We are D. Trading d.o.o. (OIB 76011767004) an energy trading company that trades electricity, gas, petroleum, and other energy commodities in Southeastern Europe. As far as we determine the purposes and means of the processing of your personal data, Art. 4 of the GDPR defines us as a Data Controller.
    This means we, as a Data Controller, have legal responsibility for how we collect and handle your personal data.


    If you have any questions about your personal data, how we handle or process it, or about this Privacy Policy – feel free to contact us:

    Data Controller Data Protection Officer
    D. Trading d.o.o. D. Trading d.o.o. for Data protection officer
    10 000, Zagreb, ulica Roberta Frangeša - Mihanovića 9 10 000, Zagreb, ulica Roberta Frangeša - Mihanovića 9
    E-mail: szop@d.trading

    Your privacy is our priority. We know how important is the information about processing your personal data. This Privacy Policy sets out how and why D. Trading d.o.o. is processing your personal data, what we do with your personal data, your rights and ways of its realization.

    This Privacy Policy covers the office premise of the D. Trading d.o.o., our website, social media accounts, and other platforms where you may interact with us.

    Personal data from candidates for employment. From time to time we are looking for new members of our team. If you want to join us - we want to know some more information about you. We use your personal information to evaluate and follow-up on your application. During application process, we will ask you to fulfill our questionnaire and provide us with your Curriculum Vitae. 

    We are processing your personal data for the purposes, listed below:

    Personal data We use your personal data to 
    Full name dentify you and ensure communication regarding the employment process is accurate and properly relates to you
    Date of birth establish compliance with employment law and rates of pay and ensure appropriate handling of work assignments and duties
    Contact information have possibility to contact you in relation to employment related matters (for example, to arrange interview)
    Emergency contact contact named emergency contact in the event of exceptional instances
    Passport, visa, info about your citizenship provide information and evidence of compliance with right to work, right to remain and status of working within the Republic of Croatia and to support evidence of identity
    Skills and qualifications facilitate the offering of relevant work opportunities and to provide HR-team and your potential supervisor with information on your skills and qualifications
    Curriculum Vitae make it available to HR-team and your potential supervisor as part of finding and offering you work that matches your skills, interests and capability and to provide insight on previous roles and experience

    We don’t process personal data revealing your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and we aren’t processing of genetic data, biometric data to uniquely identify you, data concerning health or data concerning your sex life or sexual orientation. Please, don’t provide us with this personal data.
    We also offer you an opportunity to provide supplementary information and attachments. And we also offer you the opportunity to connect your application to your social media accounts (such as LinkedIn or Facebook). Providing this supplementary information is entirely voluntary. Whether you provide this information or not, will not affect your application process in any way.
    Please note, that interviews, reference checks and review of information in your social media accounts may be a part of the application process.
    We base our processing of these data on the legal basis of performance of a contract (i.e. in order to take steps at your request prior to entering into an employment contract). For background checks we base our processing of your data on the legal ground necessary to comply with a legal obligation.
    Since we process your personal data before entering into an employment contract with you, we will delete all your personal data regarding your employment if you won’t join our team. More details you may find in the Notice about personal data for job candidates.

    Our Talent bank. It may happen we can’t propose work, relevant to your skills and qualifications at that time. But from time to time we need new team members. Even if we didn’t enter into an employment contract with you at a certain period - we would like not to lose contact with you. For this purpose, we invented our Talent bank.

    We will process your personal data for the purposes, listed below:

    Personal data We use your personal data to
    Full name identify you and ensure communication regarding the employment process is accurate and properly relates to you
    Date of birth establish compliance with employment law and rates of pay and ensure appropriate handling of work assignments and duties
    Contact information have possibility to contact you in relation to employment related matters (for example, to arrange interview)
    Emergency contact contact named emergency contact in the event of exceptional instances
    Passport, visa, info about your citizenship provide information and evidence of compliance with right to work, right to remain and status of working within the Republic of Croatia and to support evidence of identity
    Skills and qualifications facilitate the offering of relevant work opportunities and to provide HR-team and your potential supervisor with information on your skills and qualifications
    Curriculum Vitae make it available to HR-team and your potential supervisor as part of finding and offering you work that matches your skills, interests and capability and to provide insight on previous roles and experience

    We base our processing of this data on the legal basis of your consent. If you give us your consent for processing data for our Talent bank, we will store your personal data in our Talent bank for 3 (three) years since we receive data from you. During this period, we may contact you about other existing or future job opportunities. After 3 (three) years we will delete all your personal data.

    Footage from the CCTV. We want to make our office safe for our guests and employees, protect the property of our company. To achieve these goals, we use the CCTV system as a complement to other security measures. Our CCTV systems do not infringe on restricted areas (i.e. toilets/restrooms and other similar places). More detailed information about our CCTV system, legal basis of processing, retention period and your privacy rights you may find in our CCTV Policy.

    Information about your devices. When you connect to our guest Wi-Fi network in our office, we collect IP and MAC (Media Access Control) addresses of your device. We process this info only for technical reasons and store it for 7 (seven) days after which this data is deleted automatically. If you don’t want us to process this data, please, use your mobile internet and don’t connect to our Wi-Fi network.

    Also, we may process your personal data, that we gather via Cookie files. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device when you navigate the Internet and that, in particular, contain a number that allows the user’s computer or mobile device to be unequivocally identified, even if the user changes locations or IP addresses. We use only necessary cookies, without which you would not be able to undertake activities on our website. More detailed information about Cookie files, that we use, and their retention period you may find in our Cookie Policy.

    Information you post on our social media accounts. We have social media accounts (Facebook, LinkedIn). If you comment or otherwise provide information in a public space, we process a record of it and any personal information included in the comment. For example, this may include comments under our posts through social media, your tags or reposts of info on our social media accounts or when you otherwise interact with us through social media.


    We use the complex of organizational and  technical measures for your personal data protection.

    Thus, D. Trading d.o.o.: 

    - protects premises, equipment and system software; 
    - prevents unauthorized access to personal data during processing, including transfer via telecommunication networks; 
    - ensures effective methods to block, destroy, delete or anonymize personal data. 

    In critical areas, the Controller makes periodic assessments of impacts related to personal data protection, taking into account the risks implied by processing, particularly due to accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to the personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed. 

    Pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation, the Controller also uses methods to pseudonymize, anonymization and encode personal data collections. The systems and services provide continuous confidentiality, integrity, accessibility and resilience. Technical and organizational measures to provide processing security are regularly tested, assessed and evaluated.

    We don’t transfer your personal data to third countries. 

    You have many rights regarding your personal data. Read more about them below. If you would like to exercise your rights or learn more, feel free to contact us. Please note that some of the rights may not be applicable to your situation.
    We respect your privacy and need to make sure, that the request for realization of your rights was sent by a person, who has a right to do this. For identification and verification, we may send you an E-mail and ask you for additional information - please, check your E-mail folders (i.e., Inbox, SPAM).
    We won’t proceed with this additional information except for identification.
    Please note, that if you don’t provide us with such additional information – we can’t verify your identity thus such a request may leave without an answer.
    Upon receipt of the written request, it is referred to the Data Protection Officer who will determine whether realization of your rights is lawful.
    Please, keep in mind that in some cases we may charge a reasonable fee for providing a copy of your personal data to cover administrative costs.

    Right of access

    You have the right to know what personal data we process and why. That’s why we inform you in advance about our processing activities via this Privacy Policy. If you have any questions, or would you like to learn more about what information we process from you, you are always welcome to contact us and we will provide you with further information.

    Right to rectification

    If you suppose we process incorrect information about you, such as your name, address, date of birth, etc., you can ask us to correct this.

    Right to erasure / right to be forgotten

    You have the right to tell us to permanently erase your data from our records. You can do this for example if you think there’s no longer any need for us to keep it. Or, if you previously have given your consent, you can just decide to withdraw it.

    Right to restrict the processing activities

    You have the right to restrict our processing activities in certain situations. This means we will continue to store your information, but we’ll temporarily stop any other processing. Why would you want to do this? For example, if you’ve asked us to fix incorrect information. In this situation you may want us to stop processing until the information is correct.

    Right to data portability

    In certain situations, you have the right to ask us to send your personal data in digital form to you, so that you can forward it to someone else.

    Right to object

    You have the right to object to the processing of your information, even when we have a legitimate legal reason to process it. You can do this when we process your information on the basis of our legitimate interest, and you believe that your personal interest outweighs ours.

    Right to withdraw consent

    If we process your personal data based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent anytime.

    Right to contact the Croatian National Data Protection Supervisory Authority

    If you have any complaints, for example, about the way in which we use your data or how we respond to your privacy-related questions, you can submit a complaint to the Croatian Data Protection Supervisory Authority - Agencija za zaštitu osobnih podataka, Selska cesta 136, HR-10 000 Zagreb 

    E-mail: azop@azop.hr Tel. 00385 (0)1 4609-000, Fax. 00385 (0)1 4609-099, www.azop.hr


    Yes, we may update our Privacy Policy from time to time.
    Data privacy laws are improving regularly, the European Data Protection Board and Agencija za zaštitu osobnih podataka regularly publish their recommendations and guidelines, we may change technology or our business model. 
    If we update our Privacy Policy, we will notify you by publishing the actual version of the Privacy Policy on our website with the new effective date before the update takes effect.
    Please, check the updates of the Privacy Policy from time to time to be sure, you have read the actual version of our Privacy Policy.