Notice about personal data for job candidates to DTISA
  • Notice about personal data for job candidates to the D.Trading International S.A.


    D.Trading International S.A. (identification number CHE-192.534.327), Neuhofstrasse 24, 6340 Baar, Switzerland, is a Controller according to the Article 5 (j) of the FADP. In this Notice we explain in more detail the manner of processing personal data of employment candidates in accordance with the Article 19 of the FADP.

    We need to know some your personal data in pre-employment process. We use your personal information to evaluate and follow-up on your application. During application process, we will ask you to fulfill our questionnaires and provide us with your curriculum vitae.
    We are processing your personal data for the purposes, listed below:

    Personal data We use your personal data to 
    Full name identify you and ensure communication regarding the employment process is accurate and properly relates to you 
    Date of birth establish compliance with employment law and rates of pay and ensure appropriate handling of work assignments and duties
    Contact information have possibility to contact you in relation to employment related matters (for example, to arrange interview)
    Emergency contact contact named emergency contact in the event of exceptional instances
    Passport, visa, info about your citizenship provide information and evidence of compliance with right to work, right to remain and status of working within the Swiss Confederation and to support evidence of identity
    Skills and qualifications facilitate the offering of relevant work opportunities and to provide HR-team and your potential supervisor with information on your skills and qualifications
    Curriculum Vitae make it available to HR-team and your potential supervisor as part of finding and offering you work that matches your skills, interests and capability and to provide insight on previous roles and experience


    We don’t process personal data revealing your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and we aren’t processing of genetic data, biometric data to uniquely identify you, data concerning health or data concerning your sex life or sexual orientation. Please, don’t provide us with this personal data.
    We also offer you an opportunity to provide supplementary information and attachments. And we also offer you to connect your application to your social media accounts (such as LinkedIn or Facebook). Providing this supplementary information is entirely voluntary. Whether you provide this information or not, will not affect your application process in any way.
    Please note, that interviews and review of information in your social media accounts may be a part of the application process.

    We base our processing of data, listed above, on the legal ground performance of a contract (i.e. in order to take steps at your request prior to entering into an employment contract).
    D. Trading International S.A.. involves on it’s behalf a BSG International S.R.L. (as a Processor) to process your personal data. BSG International S.R.L. is an entity, established in Romania according to the Romanian legislation, acting concerning to the GDPR. Under Article 16 (1) of FADP, personal data may be disclosed abroad if the Federal Council has decided that the legislation of the State concerned or the international body guarantees an adequate level of protection. According to Article 8 (1) of the Ordinance on Data Protection, the States, territories, specified sectors in a State and international bodies that guarantee an adequate level of data protection are listed in Annex 1. Romania is included in Annex 1 “States, territories, specified sectors in a State and international bodies that guarantee an adequate level of data protection” to the Ordinance on Data Protection.
    D. Trading International S.A.. (as a Controller) and BSG International S.R.L. (as a Processor), will be obliged to keep your personal data confidential. D.Trading International S.A. or BSG International S.R.L. will not use any of your personal data for purposes other than your employment.
    Since we process your personal data before entering an employment contract with you, we will delete all your personal data regarding your employment if you won’t join our team.
    You are, as a data subject, have such rights as:

    - Right to be informed;
    - Right of access;
    - Right to rectification;
    - Right to erasure;
    - Right to data portability;
    - Right to object.

    If you have any questions regarding this Notification or regarding realization of your rights, please don’t hesitate to contact us: 

    D.Trading International S.A., Neuhofstrasse 24, 6340 Baar, Switzerland, or our Data protection officer’s address: Neuhofstrasse 24, 6340 Baar, Switzerland, D. Trading International S.A. for “Data Protection Officer”, or by the email: